Tips for Arranging Custody Over the Holidays

The holidays are a time to be with family, share laughs and have a good time. If you co-parent, arranging custody over the holidays is important. You want to make sure your child spends time with both sides of their family. Use these tips to help you make custody arrangements for the holidays.

Follow All Legal Obligations

Regardless of what you or the other parent wants to do for the holidays, the legal obligations must be followed. These obligations can include but are not limited to providing food, shelter, clothing, child support and other basic necessities.

Make Travel Plans In Advance

If you plan on traveling out of state or out of the country for the holidays, make sure you communicate your plans with the other parent. As soon as you are certain of your holiday plans, let the other parent know so the both of you can make adjustments if necessary. Don’t be afraid to compromise. If both of you have plans to go out of town over the holidays, try to create a plan that allows both of you to spend time with the child. For example, one year, the other parent can spend Thanksgiving with the child and you can spend Christmas with the child and switch every year.

Communicating About Gift-Giving

As far as gift-giving is concerned, talk with the other parent about the gifts you plan on getting your child. Ask your child to make a list of the things they would like for the holidays and you and the other parent can split the list. It is also important to discuss the toys you will not be buying for your child to prevent an unnecessary argument.

Focus on the Child/Children

Never lose sight of what matters the most. Your child’s safety and happiness are what matters. You and the other parent may not be best friends, but it’s important to maintain a civil relationship for the child. Fighting and arguing will only damage the child, and that is an outcome that neither parent should want.

Making Your Co-Parenting Efforts a Success

The only way to make sure your co-parenting efforts are a success is by proper communication. Proper communication ensures there are little to no misunderstandings. It is important to keep an open line of communication with the other parent. While you don’t have to be friends with the other parent on social media or follow their Instagram, they do need a valid phone number, email address, or at least one way they can remain in contact with you to make plans regarding the child or children.

Boundaries are also healthy and important. When you co-parent, one parent does not have more responsibility or right than the other parent. The more both parents can work together, the better it will be for all the children involved. If you can’t reach common ground with the other parent, hiring an attorney can help you iron out the details of holiday custody.

At Bergman Family Law, I am here to help you find resolutions to your legal matters. I proudly serve greater Miami, Broward County and surrounding areas. Contact me today to schedule your free consultation.
